

Card declines can be a frustrating aspect of processing payments, both for customers and merchants. They happen when a cardholder's bank or card issuer cannot authorize a transaction.

The table below outlines common reasons for card declines along with recommended resolutions.

insufficient_fundsThe account has insufficient funds to complete the transaction.Suggest a different payment method.
avs_check_failedThe card was declined for a failed AVS check.Request re-verification of billing address details.
generic_declineYour request has been declined by the issuing bank.Advise the customer to contact their bank or use another card.
call_issuerYour request has been declined by the issuing bank. The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information.Advise the customer to contact their bank or use another card.
expired_cardThe card has expired.Request an updated card with a valid expiration date.
pickup_cardThe customer can't use this card to make this payment. It's possible it was reported lost or stolen.Advise the customer to contact their bank or use another card.
invalid_numberThe card number is invalid.Ask the customer to enter a valid card number.
limit_exceededThe customer has exceeded the balance or credit limit available on their card.Suggest a different payment method.
not_permittedTransactions are prohibited or limited against this account.Advise the customer to contact their bank or use another card.
incorrect_cvcThe CVV/CVC number is incorrect.Request the correct CVV/CVC number from the customer.
service_not_allowedThe card was declined by the issuing bank due to its proprietary card activity regulations.Advise the customer to contact their bank or use another card.
invalid_expiryThe expiration date is invalid.Ask for the correct expiration date.
card_not_supportedThe card does not support this type of purchase.Advise the customer to contact their bank or use another card.
restricted_cardThe customer can't use this card to make this payment. It's possible it was reported lost or stolen.Advise the customer to contact their bank or use another card.
fraudulentThe payment was declined because it is suspected to be fraudulent.Avoid providing your customer with more specific details. Instead, advise the customer to contact their bank.
processing_errorAn error occurred while processing the card.Retry the transaction or use a different payment method.
account_closedThe account has been closed.Suggest a different payment method.