Create a Refund

To initiate a refund, you will need the payment_intent_id of the Payment Intent you are refunding, as this will be required in the request body of the Create a Refund request.

If you don’t specify an amount in the request body of the refund request, a full refund will be given. This includes a platform fee if there was one in the PaymentIntent.

For a partial refund, you will enter the amount that you would like to refund the customer. You can do this multiple times until the entire charge has been refunded. When a partial refund is given, the platform fee will be refunded in proportion to the amount of the charge that was refunded. To refund the full platform fee, you will include "refund_platform_fee": true in the request body of the refund request.

1curl -X POST '' \
2-H 'tilled-account: {{MERCHANT_ACCOUNT_ID}}' \
3-H 'tilled-api-key: {{SECRET_KEY}}' \
4-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
5-d '{
6   "payment_intent_id": "pi_***********",
7   "reason": "requested_by_customer"